the huntrods zone - fall2007 (snow & rain)


Fall 2007 - Snow & Rain!

On Vancouver Island, we frequently get a combination of storms arriving all at once. First the cold weather (-1C) with snow... tons and tons of snow! This year (Dec 1) we received about 5" the first day, then another 5" the second day. After the snow, the "pinapple express" blows in from Hawaii, carrying warmer temperatures (currently 7C at 10am) and rain... tons and tons of rain! This will cause the snow to disappear quite rapidly, but not before first flooding decks, garages and roads.

homestead snow-cake homestead snow-cake homestead snow-cake homestead snow-cake

The pictures show the showfall last night (Dec 2, 2007) followed by the rainfall today (Dec 3, 2007) and the accompanying high water flow in our drainage ditches, which carried right over Bill's driveway (again, second year in a row) and the streetcorner ajacent to Bill's house.

homestead snow & rain homestead snow & rain homestead snow & rain homestead snow & rain homestead snow & rain homestead snow & rain homestead snow & rain homestead snow & rain homestead snow & rain homestead snow & rain homestead snow & rain

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