Movit - a simple LEGO robot (August 22, 2010)
Movit represents my personal favorite "simple" robot base for movement and sensor testing.
The robot is perhaps the simplest mobile robot base I've found, making it a perfect start for more complex projects. Basic programming
is simple, but by adding one or more sensors, the programs can quickly be enhanced to create much more complex robot behavior.
The basic form preseneted here uses a very simple movement loop - move forward 3 seconds at 50% power, then turn right for 1 second at
50% power, play a sound, then test the loop termination condition. If met, the loop terminates. If not met, the loop repeats, thus repeating
the two basic movements. If left alone, it will move in this modified "star" pattern until the batteries run down. The loop terminating
condition for this specific robot is based on the ultrasonic sensor. If something is detected withing 10 units of the sensor, the loop will